I've stopped going to Church for a while.

So, I've stopped going to church for a while. Here is a list of reasons why:
- I teach Sunday school occasionally and no one really prepares for the lesson. Graduate school has ruined any perception of class time for me. We always prepare for class, read the prescribed material, generate questions, and want to LEARN. Why doesn't anyone else want to learn?
- The pastor at my church was a crook. He stole several thousand dollars from the church. Actually, the estimates range from $8000 to $1,000,000. I'm not really sure what the real value is. Unfortunately, he has some dirt on the church so the "session" has decided not pursue the matter legally. I don't get the Presbyterian manner of church rule.
- I disagree with the establishment of a church as a matter of principal. The institutions that we call churches are not biblical. I don't think God ever desired a group of followers who are led by one person (i.e., the modern church).
- The people at the church are too busy to let anyone else in their lives or to get involved in anyone else's life.
- Some church people can be really creepy.
- Some church people are really shallow.
- The church is too closely tied to political ideologies. The church has become a whore for the right-wing establishment. That's just wrong.
This is a preliminary list and I hope to expound on each of these matters in greater depth over the next couple of weeks.
I don't say 'amen' very often but 'amen' to those reasons for leaving. However I would hope you would stick around to challenge their views, get them to ask the tough questions about their religion. They can ignore you if you leave but if you stay they sorta have to tolerate, maybe even listen, to you.
What can I say thought, I left church for 6 years to 'get a better grip' on this religion thing. I did come back earlier this year but I take my stands now for what I believe the bible says. I am not rude about it but I discuss them when asked. I run a group now for the outlet of ideas from the un-wanted...when the church found out they wanted some measure of control and simply told them 'join but you have no more say than anyone else' (no power), needless to say that pastor or his congregation (about 5) never came back.
My plan is to take a few weeks off and try to clear my head. To be quite honest, I'm having trouble coming up with reasons for going (this will be an upcoming post). Regardless, thanks for the encouragement.
Having "went to church" for nearly three years now. My relationship with the Savior and other believers is better than ever.
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