Reflections From About A Year Ago

December 22, 2005, Delta Flight DL 285-somewhere over Georgia.
Since I’ve started this new job I haven’t really had much time off. I had vacation time but I didn’t really feel comfortable taking any time right at the beginning of my employment. Couple that with all of the work we had to do and it just didn’t seem right. Even the weekends seem to get filled up with stuff other than r&r is you know what I mean. So, it’s been about six months since I started the job and I really haven’t had much time off. I know, here come the laughs and fake sobbing. Poor baby, you’ve had to work for a whole six months it must be tough. In most cases I would be the one offering up the ridicule in this situation except that it’s me and I have a hard time ridiculing myself.
I really miss being a “real” graduate student. For the past five years, I’ve had two or three weeks off for the holidays. Granted, I wasn’t really scott-free, I would go into the office for a couple of hours a day but there was no real pressure. And, to be honest, I would mainly screw off during that time. I somehow justified my lack of work by the work I’d done during the semester.
But now, I have to account for my time again and to be quite frank, I don’t really like it. No shit the crowd echoes. Agreed, I’m being a baby. It’s taking some time to get back in the swing of things as far as a real job is concerned.
What really brings all of this to the forefront of my mind is that I’m traveling today to spend about a week in sunny West Palm Beach, FL. I’ve got to be honest, I am really enjoying it. This is the first time in a couple of years that I’ve traveled for pleasure. I’ve logged a bunch of miles in the last two years but they were all for work. I’ve been back and forth to Dallas about 20 times, DC five times, NY City several times, Boston…I really don’t mind traveling for work. It has given me the opportunity to see a bunch of stuff that I wouldn’t be able to afford on my own. But, being business focused most of the time I miss out on a lot too. I’m usually reading something for a presentation, preparing for a talk, or trying to get work done on the flight and in the airport. I don’t really see everything.
This trip is different. It’s one of the peak holiday travel days this year. The airports are filled with people with backpacks instead of garment bags and brief cases. There is a dad skipping through the terminal at the urging of his 3 year old daughter. There are so many children traveling, most with parents in large groups. Some single mom is trying to harangue her three children under 8 years old. Even minors traveling alone (I think this is an extra charge now. When did we start charging extra for courtesy?). I really love seeing all of these kids. It really makes the airport seem bright and cheery. I’ve come to the conclusion that I really love children.
Traveling at this time of the year has really opened my eyes to some things:
I love my family.
L is a really neat kid and I can’t wait to spend more time with her.
I’m grateful for the good work situation that I have.
These last few years have given me more freedom and autonomy than I realized.
I like and value a flexible work situation and the one I’m in offers more than most jobs.
Alright, I seem to be rambling now. Let me end this by saying thank you to all of those people who have given me the opportunity to pursue school, those who have employed me, and those who have to put up with me everyday. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Cool, enjoy yourself and keep relaxing.
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