When I'm President--or--Sending All of My Money to the Televangelist Worked

When I'm president, everyone, and I mean everyone will have a limousine! Now that's prosperity baby.
"So I sends in my $15 to Benny Hinn right, just like he tells me to. And dogonital I wakes up the next morning with a blessin' from the lawrd like you wouldn't believe...You fellers wanna go muddin?"
It's a prosperity gospel and the trailer has a limo, which can be compared to bacon. I really like how there is a wooded are and then this shiny white limo, which can be compared to Lorne Greene. The trailer is all trashy looking and I don't think people should be living in there which can be compared to wal-mart stores.
I don't know why I think that is funny.
Let's see, bacon, Lorne Greene, and Walmart...Nope, I don't get it!
Soicietyvs, this is gonna take some splainin'
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