Thursday, September 14, 2006

Reasons To Go To Church: Summary

First, thanks to everyone who commented on the previous reasons to go to church post. I've been struggling with this topic and your insight has been a great help. Second, your comments have expanded my list a good bit and through this I have started to pick out some consistent themes. Here they are:

Community (+)/Social (-): This category of reasons was mentioned by people who relayed a close connection or longing for connection with a group of other believers. To use the term social to describe this might be a little misleading. The folks who mentioned this one seemed to communicate a sense of community, a connectedness with others through Christ. Conversely, we all know people who only show up at church to "hang out" with their friends. It becomes another place to chat, have coffee, and be seen. I think this aspect of church attendance is often seen as a negative by outsiders because the recognize "worship" as something beyond mere human interaction.

Transaction-Give and Receive: This category is rather straightforward. People come to church to give. They give their money, time, sweat, tears, you name it; I guess a good way to describe it would be Service. People want to give something to God. Conversely, People come to church to receive. Likewise, here, the list is long; a touch from God, help with the rent money, a wife, a challenge, healing...the list goes on. God/the church is seen as the great provider, source of living water, money tree, easy mark, etcetera. Giving and receiving combine to create a transactional relationship. This is an area that needs more thought and space.

The question that arises in this category is one of motivation. I'd like to hear other people’s thoughts on the question of motivation in a transactional relationship with the church. I recognize that there are two sides to the coin here, what I would call authentic and opportunistic; but I want to hear your views first.

Worship: This is the one that I guess I don't really get. I suppose, on the positive side, this is actual communion with God. But, I can see this as a part of Community. On the other side is the music, preaching, and ceremonial trappings of church. But, I can see this falling under the transactional reasons.

So, here we are, as in most things of this world (actually the human mind) it boils down to three categories, or is it two. Your job is to comment critically on these ideas. When I say critically, I don’t mean be mean…But, I’d like to hear your opinion…

Almost forgot, I'm a visual thinker. So, a free t-shirt to the first person who can accurately represent the concept of church attendance with a ven diagram.


Blogger bruced said...

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9/14/2006 3:36 PM  
Blogger SocietyVs said...

My motivation to attend church is very basic, to stand beside the people that do attend and also to hear the messages. I really don't get much out of the 'service' to be brutally honest but the messages at the church I attend are actually quite 'radical' (as previously mentioned). Radical in that they address current issues and not merely a 'salvation' message every service (to be honest we don't have altar call either). I like that about church, I always got something from other people's take on the world and on scripture.

I also want to attend to church to be a part of people's lives, to make that connection with others (I am horrible at but I keep trying). I have started a group that meets outside the church (but tied to it in some sense) where we can freely discuss issues of the day and raise money to support those who need it. By standing beside them I really do mean treating them like my brother or sister. I also help any person that may not attend church because why limit my scope.

Oh, I guess also attend to church to try and change the focus and to put more focus on unity amongst the whole amount of churches we deal with on a daily basis.

9/14/2006 11:19 PM  
Blogger Doug Hoag said...

I go to church because I have to-- I'm the pastor!! Yeah, but I hear what you're saying. Most people go to church for the wrong reasons. George Carlin said that church is a place where people go once a week to compare clothing!

Thanks for visiting my blog! All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

9/15/2006 6:35 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Doug, Because you have to??? Would that be one of the wrong reasons or some other category?

Hey, I understand, but as a minister, do you feel an obligation to make the "service" valuable or meaningful?

I guess what I'm saying is that, the "it's my job" line get's you out of the bed on Sunday (like the rest of us), but something else drives your behavior on Sunday, right?

9/18/2006 9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the reasons that people in general go to church are for:
1.) A sense of efficacy
2.) A sense of meaning and purpose
3.) Social support

Those are the three things everyone needs in order to function. It's the buildnig blocks of helping people get better mentally, and most people could broadly fit in one or all of those categories in their reasons for church attendance.

9/26/2006 10:51 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Nicole said...
I think the reasons that people in general go to church are for:
1.) A sense of efficacy
2.) A sense of meaning and purpose
3.) Social support

Those are the three things everyone needs in order to function. It's the buildnig blocks of helping people get better mentally, and most people could broadly fit in one or all of those categories in their reasons for church attendance.

Nicole, I agree with your three points. Your comment may even be a better way to summarize the list than I have. However, I think the terms you use all have a benevolent connotation. Frankly, I don't think that's the case. Don't get me wrong, I would prefer it be that way, but in my experience, that's fantasy land.

I would estimate that at least one third of the people who come to church do so to with malicious motivation.
1) They seek to achieve a sense of self-efficacy by dominating others and exerting themselves in a hostile manner. This is really just a cover for extremely weak self-esteem.
2) They pervert the message of our faith to manufacture a sense of meaning and purpose. Once attached to this new purpose, they now have a position of moral superiority from which they can demean and chastise others.
3) They also come to live under the illusion of a social support system that they unwittingly work to destroy.

I think Nicole is absolutely right! She has listed the primary points of motivation for church attendance; however, in a sign of genuineness and a pure heart, she has left out the count example of which I am always ready to supply. I think I’ve just revealed a lot about myself.

Hey Nicole, I would like to move this up to the front page, any opposition?

9/29/2006 6:04 AM  

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