Thursday, June 29, 2006

What happens when you combine a high speed dog and a high speed bike at a ninety degree angle?

So, I was tooling down the boulevard on my road bike the other day, minding my own business, taking in the warm summer breezes, and generally enjoying myself when a dog collided with the side of my front wheel. We were both going about 20mph, he ran out of a hidden driveway, the collision was unavoidable...that is, unless the owner had the dog on a leash IAW the law. I came to rest about 30 feet from the point of impact. My helmet was broken, my bike was slightly knocked out of whack and I was scraped and bruised. The X-rays indicated that my right hip was not broken.

The funny thing about the whole incident was that several people stopped to see if I was ok. I really appreciate that. However, an Asian couple who didn't speak great English stopped and asked several times about my condition and I tried to reassure them that I was hurt but fine. At the sight of the large amount of blood streaming down my arm and leg, the woman asked if I would like a band aid all the while holding up two small band aids... There was no way this would stop the bleeding but it was all they could offer. It made me laugh but I greatly appreciate the thought...

All is well now, I'm still a little bruised and scraped but I'm back on the bike and will continue to ride.

Monday, June 26, 2006

You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others
I received this courtesy of Ninja Nun. She has a fun little site.
The description is somewhat accurate but I'd say I'm less serious and neat than it gives me credit for.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Father's Day

Father's day was a few weeks ago. It was a great day. Gifts, breakfast, and special father's day activities with the little one. I enjoyed it. However, I never really know how to act when it's "my day". I always feel a little awkward or uncertain of what to do...I guess I don't really like all of the attention. But, it does feel nice to have all of the special treatment.

The little one suggested that we go bike riding. We went for a "real" MTB ride at a local place. It was her first time "off road". She did a great job. She is such a good rider. She handled several tough short hill climbs, went over some sizable roots, and even handled some off camber stuff. I was really proud of her.

I'm not sure why but she gets really frustrated some times and she cries. It makes me think I'm being too hard on her. And, it reminds me of times when I would play baseball with my dad and get frustrated because I wasn't very good at hitting or throwing...I cried too. I used to blame it on him but now I'm in his shoes and I'm not sure who's to blame. When we do activities together and she cries I feel like a failure.

This brings me to a larger point or a question really. I wonder why I don't remember the good things that happen with the kid and not just the bad things about my interactions with her? I tend to focus on the negative instances or my shortfalls as a parent. This is really just a larger indication of my tendency to focus on the negative in all areas of my life...I really would like to be more positive.

I believe I will resolve to be more positive in my perspective on my interactions with the kid and with my wife...I'm not really clear on how to do this but I'll look into it.

On a somewhat related note, here is a list of general parenting lessons I've learned:

  1. If you don't like something your child is doing, just wait, it's going to change.
  2. Be gentle with your children's feelings.
  3. Play rough with your children.
  4. Hug them now while you have the chance.

This list is short but I think the items are valuable. A belated but Happy Father's day to you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Back at it...sort of.

As is evident by the date of this post, I have not been blogging. I've been reading blogs but not blogging. I tried to start one up for my Sunday school class and that failed miserably. I'm not sure why but that really turned me off to blogging. BUT, I'm back. I hope to start posting more and to get some traffic this way.

Notice the photo above. I took this one a month or so ago when we were on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC. I enjoyed spending time at the beach with the rat. She really had a lot of fun. No one was sun burned...that's a first for us. We usually get at least one good burn at the beach.

This one is from a hiking trip up to Mt Leconte. I had a great time up there. It is such a beautiful place.

Enough for now. I've got a good father's day post coming up...
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